Live and Fly

Talk about flying has been.. in the air lately.

This card was sent a bit of time ago and I'm not sure when I received it exactly. I haven't checked my post in nearly a week. It was a few minutes before that before that since things have been going on with my sister Jess.

I liked this card for many reasons. Aesthetically and internally. It's almost a wonder this didn't get put on Invisible Me. It probably should get talked about further over there. And on Once Loved. Again, there are so many things about this particular card.

Nonetheless the message was fantastic and something really wonderful that I needed.. especially today when I feel a bit less than desirable. 

"Hello Jennifer!

Quote: Now that we know how to fly in the sky like birds swim in the water like a fish, it remains one- to learn to live in the world as people!

I wish you good luck in all your affairs.

Evgeniya. Moscow

25.05.2016 Yaayh! (Good luck!)"

Even the stamp was pretty with this one too: