Angels and Motherhood

It might have been a small gesture but there is a question if it was an example of an even larger gesture from... 

This weekend I was greeted to a most beautiful card in the mail from Finland. It is one of the most gorgeous cards I have perhaps ever received. 

During this very delicate time with matters with Jonas, Jess, and more, it is particularly astounding. It stopped me in my tracks this weekend. It is something that I'm carrying with me always now as well.

The card states:

"We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can only fly embracing each other."
Dear Jennifer, I am Marjatta, 65. This painting is called "Queen Blanka" by one of the greatest Finnish artists of all times Albert Edelfelt. (1865-1905).
With this card I send all my love, thoughts and support to you and Jonas. Dear never give up! <3


I am humbled to say that I haven't and part of it is partially to do with the love and support that helps when I am going through the darkest parts of my days.

Hope you enjoyed the card and the message. I can't help but wonder if this was a special message beyond from Finland but perhaps of another angel looking out for us both... Jess or Grandma is this you? It's a nice thought no matter what.

Note: I sent a thank you to this dear sender with the note about this blog and was sent this reply:

"Dear Jennifer, your kind words about my postcard and the message filled my eyes with tears! Thank you sweetheart. You know, I believe in angels and I know Jess and Grandma are there looking out for you and Jonas always. 
Take good care! 
Love, Marjatta"

It's ok. I cried again too.

I cried again. I blogged and referenced it again and... yeap. Happy Friday.