D Spice of Life

The scent was swirling in the car whether we liked it or not.

I ended up on a trek not too far from the warehouse I work at frequently on Friday. It's a place where there are actually several warehouses in the area. Passenger D was from one of these which packaged and did work with spices. 

"Sorry about the smell. I'm going to smell of spices. We work with a lot in there."

But there was more than just spices swirling in the air. There was music. There was a tinge of connection... and inquiries.

Months ago I got a free issue of People Magazine. They sent me a copy which currently resides in the back seat of my car. It also happens to be the issue that came out regarding Prince's death.

But that came later.

"What music is this?" he asked.

I hadn't really even been paying attention at the time. It'd also been a while since I'd heard someone actually ask for what specific artist had been playing. Was this another serendipitous musical passenger connection or was it just chatter?

"Oh this? It's.. do you like it?"
"It's chill."
"Oh? Is that ok? I can change it if you want. I've been hearing that a bit lately."
"No it's good. Is this the stuff you usually listen to or do you listen to anything else?"
"I listen to a bit of a blend I guess. I've heard chill be the way that my music has been described a few times here lately. I listen to a lot of indie and older 50s music and a bit of other stuff. I guess if I had to put a label on it, I'd say it's dreamy and flirty with a touch of sultry too with some dancey bounce stuff but that's not on here."
"What is that?"
"Well stuff like Kimbra. I love her stuff. It's flirty and fun and it's got a beat to it. I dig it. I'm also big on Prince and when there's a certain song that comes on I feel bad for anyone who is sitting behind me because I totally jam out like there's no tomorrow."
"I have to tell you that I have only heard one Prince song and I'm otherwise not familiar with him."
"Oh? Oh wow. Do you need to hear some Prince? I've got a bunch of Prince stuff on here. What song have you heard?"
"Just Purple Rain. What's your favorite Prince song?"
"This question is easy but a debatable one. My personal fave is Raspberry Beret. I'll play it for you."

So play I did. And we had just enough time to get to his destination before it was over.

"It was ok. I expected a bit more to the story than that."
"Well that song is admittedly shallow but it's fine for me. I mean he's just talking about how he's slacking off and then sees this girl and she's fine but he wants to hang out and make out with her and that's about all that some things ever have to be... doesn't make them any less fun in their own right even if they are admittedly a bit shallow."

He smiled and agreed and thanked me for the ride.

"It was just a short ride. Nothing big of a deal. Sorry about that." he said as he walked out.
"Are you kidding? It is what it is. Hope you have a good day."

And that was the story about that little dose of spice and life. For more city rideshare stories, please tune in here at Little Girl Big City. I'll have one up once a week here.. unless something awesome or not happens. Until then.. it's back to the road and the quest for words.

Have a great weekend and be safe. Maybe I'll see you on the road.