Ridiculous and Messages

Because sometimes you just go with what you know.

A semi known fact is that every year there is a train ride conducted in several cities all around the world that.. well has a bit of a twist.  What's the twist? Well...

I have been called Red for a long time and so it only made sense that I would have that as my Agent name for the mission. It's a mission of ridiculous antics that I have been attending and being an active part of for almost my entire duration in LA. My favorite little Escapist assisted last year. Sadly he was not in attendance this year though due to...

I've become a lot quieter in my days. While I get invited out to parties and even soft openings (I went to one in West LA recently), I'm just not out and about in the middle of the party anymore. At one point, I'd assisted in the coordinating of the after party shenanigans even though I really didn't imbibe much of any real partying even then.

(I will tell you a secret- I really have never been that much of a big ruckus party type contrary to beliefs...)

But those ("party") days are no more. I will likely always do the ride but... I won't be running any major extravagant things for it even if I do love hosting more corporate or otherwise structured events.  

I still wanted to attend regardless of the somber notes and changed sentiments... rain or shine. I even got a pair of shiny red rain boots perfect for the day.

So what exactly was it? It was the annual No Pants Train Ride obviously. It's a yearly, completely just silly and not weird flash mob event started by Improv Everywhere that GuerilLA runs and coordinates every year and has since I got here. I have been a ride captain since the second run of things. On the first months of his little life, Jonas attended wearing a little tie and his diaper as he was held close to me while I nursed and attended in my silly own getup. Last year he also attended and was a ride captain with me donning a super hero cape, diaper, and dinosaur boots. It was a hit and we had a lot of fun being silly and safe. 

This year I had to go alone. I wore a pair of underwear with the word "Heartbreaker" on them although the statement wasn't about me even if people thought it might be. 

Currently there is a war going on. It's a war which serves to likely hurt me further by posting about it here.  It is a war that never should have happened. Hopefully it will get the attention it deserves at some point soon... as this is unfortunately happening to too many families.

Currently there is a fight to Save this little boy from a future without his mother.

I brought this sign and was photographed by a couple of outlets holding it. Few know what it was for or what it means... 

It is the cry for a mother to her Little Bear cub.

I love you Jonas. I have always loved you. I will always be your silly loving mother. I might be silly and afraid but... I'm not afraid to be totally afraid to be afraid.

Be bold and silly or get old and pass without joy.

Next year will be better... or so this little mom hopes. Maybe we will see you on the train then.

Photo courtesy of Timeout.com

Photo courtesy of Timeout.com